April 3, 2021
April’s Monthly Medal Winner:
S Pryer
A Grade: M Lee 72
B Grade:S Pryer 70
C Grade: L Plumbridge 73
Down the line:
A Maynard 72
M Walton 73
P Bolton 74
D Smith 76
A Grade: B Lewis 81
B Grade: S Pryer 84
C Grade: L Plumbridge 95
5/14 L Plumbridge
7/16 A Barron
12th B Lewis
Pennant Pin:
6/15 B Lewis
Longest Putt:
9/18 D Crane
February 21, 2021
Days event winner: R Johns 66
A Grade: R Johns 66
B Grade: P Hicks 69
C Grade: G Warren 68
Down the line:
L Gofton 70
M Walton 71
K Davies 72
S Pryer 73
5/14 S Pryer
7/16 M Walton
12th A Zanevra
Pennant Pin:
6/15 R Johns
Longest Putt:
9/18 A Barron
2021 Club Championships:
72 holes:
R Johns 263
R/u L Hicks 270
R/u R Johns 295
B Grade Champion:
L Gofton 343
R/u S Pryer 345
C Grade Champion:
G Warren 360
R/u P Florissen 380
February 20, 2021
Day’s best scores:
A Grade: M Lee 68
B Grade: T Adams 69
C Grade: T Burt 69
Down the line:
C Trudgeon 68
R Johns 69
Adam Zanevra 70
G Warren 71
5/14 G Warren
12th T Jones
7/16 A Zanevra
Pennant Pin: A Zanevra
Longest Putt:
9/18 D Smith
Leading net scores after 54 holes:
L Hicks 199 R Johns 199 P Wilson 208
Leading gross scores after 54 holes:
A: K Davies 216 R Johns 223
B: M Jago 258 S Pryer 258 L Gofton 259
C: G Warren 272 P Florissen 284 D Smith 291
2021 Jock Millen Shield – Veterans Championships
Gross: R Johns 148
Nett: R Johns 132