Events & Fixtures

Calendar of Events

October 30, 2021


Start: October 30, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 30, 2021 5:00 pm

October 24, 2021

GTGC – Open Tournament

 October 24  — Annual Tournament – Stroke     Sponsor –           Results Men Ladies
Golf Link no. Entrant Handicap Gross Nett Stableford Winner: Men Ladies Gross:
7631800186 L Gofton 13 82 69 37 A Grade: J Austen 69 on cb A Bryan A Grade: R Johns 77 A Bryan 98
4130403721 J Austen 13 82 69 37 L Gofton 69 T Taylor K Davies 82 on cb D Rattray 101
7631800187 A Maynard 12 82 70 36
7631800047 R Johns 5 77 72 34 B Grade: S Pryer 67 K Davis B Grade: S Pryer 81 K Davis 118
7631800122 L Trudgeon 9 83 74 32 L Rattray 73 V Towns M Jago 89 V Towns 120
7631800053 B Lewis 7 82 75 34
7631800028 K Dodge 11 86 75 31 C Grade: S Jones 67 C Grade: M Walton 92
7631800092 O Woodiwiss 13 88 75 31 M Walton 70 S Jones 96
7631800050 M Lee 11 88 77 29 Men Ladies
7631800174 A Barron 13 90 77 29 Nearest to pin: 12th: J Austin K Davis Veteran’s Gross Nett
7631876448 K Clarke 5 84 79 27 5th/14th: R Johns K Davis R Johns 77 S Pryer 67
7631800027 K Davies 1 82 81 26 7th/16th: S Harris Nil S Pryer 81 M Walton 70
7634600038 R Kerrison 10 0 -10 0 Gold Pin: 2nd/11th J Austin
Golf Link no. Entrant Handicap Gross Nett Stableford Longest Putt: 9th/18th: M Dobson H Lack
7631800071 S Pryer 14 81 67 38 Longest Drive
7632700081 L Rattray 17 90 73 33
7631800114 M Jago 15 89 74 32 A Grade: B Lewis
7634400028 R Clarke 16 92 76 30
7634600114 S Harris 16 95 79 27 Information: Sat Oct 30 Stableford B Grade: S Harris
7631800136 R Sherriff 18 101 83 24
7632700130 A Loren 16 100 84 25 C Grade: J Brearley
7634600153 G Booth 16 102 86 21
7634600158 J Fergusen 14 101 87 20
7631800167 Ricky Burt 16 105 89 19
Golf Link no. Entrant Handicap Gross Nett Stableford
7631800195 S Jones 29 96 67 39
7631800148 M Walton 22 92 70 36
7631800165 L Hicks 30 101 71 36
7631800067 L Plumbridge 25 97 72 34
7632700122 K Wagner 34 108 74 33
7632700061 F Wagner 23 100 77 30
7631800135 P Bolton 27 104 77 29
7631800138 Guy Davies 33 112 79 28
7636800156 P Deavon 22 102 80 27
7636800166 T Deavon 25 105 80 26
7636800028 G Clayton 22 107 85 22
7631800116 G Warren 21 107 86 24
7636800032 S Cossins 20 107 87 22
7631800124 P Stagg 27 115 88 19
7631800219 J Brearley 33 123 90 20
7631800199 T Trudgeon 25 119 94 18
Golf Link no. Entrant Handicap Gross Nett Stableford
7631800012 A Bryan 17 98 81 27
7632700064 T Taylor 25 108 83 27
7632700059 D Rattray 17 101 84 27
7644800250 L Clarke 17 106 89 20
Golf Link no. Entrant Handicap Gross Nett Stableford
7631800130 K Davis 34 118 84 27
7631800082 V Towns 36 120 84 24
7631800131 L Gordon 34 129 95 18
7634600176 H Lach 45 141 96 22
7631800132 R Burgess 40 137 97 16
7634600166 K Gofton 45 149 104 9
7634600159 C Fergusen 45 157 112 11
Start: October 24, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 24, 2021 5:00 pm

October 23, 2021

GTGC – Open Tournament

October 23 —4 Ball Ambrose Annual Tournament                                                 Results
Entrant Hcp Entrant Hcp Team Hcp Gross Nett Winners: L Gordon, T  Trudgeon, R Burgess, S Harris 56.625
A Bryan 17 J Austen 13 7.25 69 61.75 R/Up: K Davies, G Davis, K Davis, R Burt 58.5
G Warren 21 S Crimeen 7 3rd: T Jones, T Burt, D Crane, M Lee 59.375
R Sherriff 18 C Baker 19 9.125 71 61.875 4th: V Towns, S Pryer, G Cross, P Jones 60.5 on cb
D Burr 19 M Jones 17 5th: B Gale, M Gale, N Gale, S Jones 60.5
R Johns 5 R Kerrison 10 4.625 68 63.375 6th: B Gofton, M Gofton, L Gofton, B Lewis 60.625
L Trudgeon 9 A Barron 13
K Rowbottom 26 B Walsh 17 8.125 NCR 0
I Mountney 7 M Summers 15 Nearest to Pin: 12th: P Jones
P Hicks 14 L Hicks 30 9.375 71 61.625 5th/14th: A Bryan
A Maynard 12 B Maurer 19 7th/16th: L Wells
C Trudgeon 12 L Wells 9 7.625 69 61.375 Long Drives:
G Sewell 13 P Stagg 27 Team Gold Pin: 2nd/11th: Team Gordon A Grade: I Mountney
B Gofton 35 M Gofton 12 8.375 69 60.625 Longest Putt: 9th/18th: G Sewell B Grade: D Burr
L Gofton 13 B Lewis 7 C Grade: M Gale
T Jones 11 T Burt 21 7.625 67 59.375 Wednesday: G Warren 20, K Fox 18 Women: L Gordon
D Crane 18 M Lee 11 Friday: J Austen 21, P Jones 18
V Towns 36 S Pryer 14 10.5 71 60.5
G Cross 19 P Jones 15 Information: Sun Oct 24 Annual tournament Stroke
L Plumbridge 25 P Florissen 21 9.625 NCR 0
C Hinds 22 S Barrett 9
M Jago 15 K Fox 31 9.375 72 62.625
K Adams 11 K Adams 18
L Gordon 34 T Trudgeon 25 14.375 71 56.625
R Burgess 40 S Harriss 16
B Gale 18 M Gale 32 15.5 76 60.5
N Gale 45 S Jones 29
O Woodiwiss 13 K Dodge 11 8.25 70 61.75
P Bolton 27 G Sulzberger 15
K Davis 34 K Davies 1 10.5 69 58.5
G Davis 33 R Burt 16
Start: October 23, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 23, 2021 5:00 pm

October 16, 2021

Patron’s Day – Stroke – Gary Ritchie


A Maynard   70

A Grade:

A Maynard  70

B Grade:

P Jones  72

C Grade:

G Warren  73

Down the line:

R Johns  72

D Crane 73

B Gale  73


12th  M Lee

5/14  J Brearley

7/16   P Florissen

Pennant Pin:

1/10th  K Davies

Longest Putt:

9/18  P Jones

Start: October 16, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 16, 2021 5:00 pm

October 9, 2021

Matchplay Challenge – Stableford

Matchplay Winners:

A Grade:

R Johns   1 up

B Grade:

G Sulzberger  3&2

C Grade:

M Walton  3&1


D Crane  37

A Grade:

A Maynard  33

B Grade:

D Crane  37

C Grade:

L Plumbridge  36

Down the line:

G Sulzberger  35

P Jones  35

G Warren  34


5/14  T Jones

7/16  D Crane

12th  R Johns

Pennant Pin:

1/10th  D Crane

Longest Putt:

9/18  T Burt

Start: October 9, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 9, 2021 5:00 pm

October 2, 2021

Monthly Medal – Stroke – Captain’s Day – Matchplay Qualifyer

Winner: R Burt  66

A Grade:

B Lewis  69

B Grade:

G Sulzberger  67

C Grade:

M Walton  69


A Grade:

B Lewis  75

B Grade:

G Sulzberger   83

C Grade:

M Walton  91


5/14  R Johns

7/16  K Davies

12th  A Barron

Pennant Pin:

1/10th  L Trudgeon

Longest Drive:

A Grade  L Trudgeon

B Grade  R Burt

C Grade  T Burt

Longest Putt:

G Sulzberger

Matchplay Qualifiers
A Grade: B Lewis vs R Johns on c/b
B Grade: G Sulzberger vs B Gale
C Grade: M Walton vs P Bolton on c/b
Start: October 2, 2021 8:00 am
End: October 2, 2021 5:00 pm

September 25, 2021

Grand Final Day – Stableford – T & K Adams

Day’s best score:

B Lewis   36 c/b

A Grade:

K Dodge  34 c/b

B Grade:

M Van Der Molen  36

C Grade:

P Bolton   35


5/14  R Johns

7/16  L Trudgeon

12th  J Austen

Pennant Pin:

K Davies

Longest Putt:

9/18  T Burt

Start: September 25, 2021 8:00 am
End: September 25, 2021 5:00 pm

September 18, 2021

Robbie Johns – 2 Ball Ambrose

Winners: J Austen & S Barrett 61.75
R/Up: K Davies & G Davis 64.5
3rd: R Johns & R Burt 64.75
4th: L Plumbridge & G Sulzberger 66

Nearest to Pin: 5th/14th: C Trudgeon & T Trudgeon
7th/16th: K Dodge & L Van der Molen
12th: B Lewis & A Barron
Pennant Pin: 6th/15th: S Jones & B Gale
Longest Putt: 9th/18th: T Jones & M Jones
Start: September 18, 2021 8:00 am
End: September 18, 2021 5:00 pm

September 11, 2021

4B.B.B. – Stableford


G Sulzberger  &  K Dodge   44

B Lewis  A Barron   41

S Pryer  G Cross   41

Longest drives:


A Grade  M Gofton

B Grade S Pryer

C Grade  G Cross


5/14   J Austin

7/16  S Pryer

12th  A Barron

Pennant Pin:

1/10th  A Barron

Longest  Putt:

9/18   L Gofton

Start: September 11, 2021 8:00 am
End: September 11, 2021 5:00 pm

September 4, 2021

Monthly Medal – Stroke

Medal Winner:

A Maynard   64


A Grade:

O Woodiwiss  71

P Jones   74

B Grade:

A Maynard  64

L Gofton  64

C Grade:

P Bolton  75

L Plumbridge 77


A Grade:

K Davies   77

B Grade:

A Maynard  78

C Grade:

P Bolton   /   L Plumbridge  101


5/14th K Adams

7/16th  B Lewis

12th  J Austin

Pennant pin:

1/10th  A Maynard

Longest Putt:

9/18   A Barron

Start: September 4, 2021 8:00 am
End: September 4, 2021 5:00 pm


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